Monday 16 June 2014

Knowledge updation for a while back!..

1. Guess what Google tweeted when it got onto Twitter?
This Tweet, sent in February 2009, reads “I’m 01100110 01100101 01100101 01101100 01101001 01101110 01100111 00100000 01101100 01110101 01100011 01101011 01111001 00001010.”

For all those still scratching their head, it’s a binary code that reads: “I’m feeling lucky.”
2. Google Has a Company Dinosaur
Everyone knows that Google is the T-Rex of search engines, so it’s no small wonder to find a Dinosaur replica right outside the main building. The message to competitors couldn’t be much clearer. Come any closer and we’re going to gobble you up

3. Moma Knows Everything

If you think that Google knows everything, then you’re probably right. But guess who knows all the internal gup-shup that takes place within Google. It’s called Moma and the intranet is hugely popular with all the Google employees.
4. Googlers and Nooglers

Most of you might know that the Google HQ is known as the Googleplex and that Google’s employees are normally referred to as Googlers”. But what you probably don’t know is that all new joiners in Google are called as “Nooglers”.

So what’s the criterion that separates a Googler from a Noogler? As a rule of thumb, “When you’ve been around longer than 1% of the staff, you cease being a Noogler.”
Oh and by the way, an ex Google employee is called a Xoogler”. And you my friend are an “Oogler”. Go look that one up!

5. The 1st Ever Google Doodle

We all love the amazing and often brilliantly creative Google Doodles but did you know which was the 1st ever Google Doodle and how they came into being?

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